Thursday, August 12, 2010


Young American Christians from 1972 espouse their (religiously inclined) positions on everything from "The Black Crisis" to drugs and war. I was specifically interested on the opinions concerning music of the period. Here are some priceless comments on Jim Morrison/The Doors:

Dean: Do you feel that the singer's personal philosophy shows up in the songs he writes?

Everyone: Oh yes, definitely.

John C.: Jim Morrison of The Doors epitomized this. "The only thing worth doing is  having physical sex." But even that didn't solve anything. It just passed the time.


Harold: In a Life magazine article several years ago, a reporter followed Jim Morrison for a while, and his story constantly used words like "satanic" and "evil" to describe him. The writer said some audiences responded to this thing and some didn't. The Doors represented a total abandonment to "evil". Perhaps we can't accurately judge what is satanic and what isn't, but I'm sure that many adults would say that all rock music is demon-controlled. What is your reaction?

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